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Doctoral training

Thesis students at the LIPM belong to the Toulouse doctoral school SEVAB (Sciences Ecologiques, Vétérinaires, Agronomiques et Bioingénieries). In addition to a thesis supervisor, each student also benefits from the assistance of a thesis committee which meets every year in the presence of the supervisor. Students also follow a number of additional training courses and must possess a basic knowledge of English. The doctoral school organizes yearly meetings for students to present their research projects, and the LIPM encourages students to attend at least one international congress during the course of their thesis.

SEVAB covers 23 research laboratories, and is divided into 6 research themes. The LIPM belongs to theme 5: Plant-Microbe Interactions. Thesis projects are proposed by the respective laboratories and open for competition organized by the doctoral school (for more information see the SEVAB web-site; thesis projects). Research groups can also accept thesis students from the “Ecoles Normales Supérieures”.

Masters and Ingénieur training

The LIPM welcomes a significant number of students each year (2-6 months training) from a variety of schools and universities, and in particular Masters students following the Microbiology-AgroBiosciences (MABS) courses at the Toulouse Paul Sabatier University. Other students come from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) or the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie (ENSAT).

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Curriculum Vitae
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