Prénom Nom
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.

Prénom Nom
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.

Prénom Nom
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.

Prénom Nom
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.

Prénom Nom
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.

Prénom Nom
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.

Prénom Nom
I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. To update me, go to the Data Manager. The Data Manager is where you store data to use in your site pages, or collect data from site visitors when they submit a form.
This collection in the Data Manager is already set up with some fields and content. To customize it with your own content, you can import a CSV file or simply edit the placeholder text. You can also add more fields which you can connect to other page elements so the content displays on your published site. Remember to sync the collection so your content is live! You can add as many new collections as you need to store or collect data.
Le Laboratoire des Interactions Plantes-Microbes-Environnement (LIPME), créé en 1981, est une Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS-INRAE, actuellement rattachée à l'Institut des Sciences Biologiques (INSB) et à l’Institut Ecologie et Environnement (INEE) du CNRS ainsi qu’aux départements Santé des Plantes et Environnement (SPE) et Biologie et Amélioration des Plantes (BAP) de l'INRAE.
Depuis sa création, le LIPME a comme champ de recherche prioritaire les interactions entre les plantes et les micro-organismes symbiotiques ou pathogènes, par des études concertées des partenaires microbiens et végétaux. Ces recherches sont réalisées sur un petit nombre d’espèces modèles (Arabidopsis thaliana, Medicago truncatula), mais aussi plus récemment sur des modèles d’intérêt agronomique tels le Tournesol, la Tomate, le soja.
Ces études nous permettent d'aborder des questions biologiques centrales, relatives aux déterminants du pouvoir pathogène et symbiotique, aux mécanismes infectieux, aux processus de signalisation inter- et intra-organismes, aux programmes de développement, au contrôle de l'expression génique ou enfin aux mécanismes d'adaptation métabolique.
L'organisation des génomes bactériens et végétaux est aussi une problématique que nous abordons, par les approches de la bioinformatique et de la génomique.
De nouveaux axes de recherche concernent la compréhension des processus d’évolution et d’adaptation des organismes, en posant notamment les questions de la relation entre mutualisme et pathogénèse et de spécificité d’hôtes.
Le LIPME aborde donc des problématiques qui ont un impact fort sur l'agriculture et l'environnement. Ses recherches ouvrent comme perspectives finalisées, l'émergence de nouveaux concepts et outils de lutte contre les bioagresseurs. Les interactions symbiotiques jouent un rôle essentiel dans la nutrition minérale des légumineuses, dont on redécouvre aujourd'hui les multiples intérêts sur le plan agronomique, économique, environnemental et nutritionnel.
Le LIPME appartient à une Fédération de Recherche (FR AIB), qui rassemble les principaux laboratoires de biologie végétale et d’écologie de Toulouse, situés pour la plupart d’entre eux sur le campus d'Auzeville du Centre INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse.
Le LIPME est également une composante importante du LabEx (Laboratoire d'Excellence, Investissement d'Avenir) TULIP qui vise à ancrer une recherche et un enseignement de haute qualité dans le domaine de l'écologie et de la biologie végétale.
Directeur : Laurent Noël
Directeur adjoint : Nemo Peeters
CRBTS- Centre de Ressources Biologiques du tournesol et soja
Marie-Claude Boniface
Informatique et bioinformatique
Jérôme Gouzy
Services collectifs
Maintenance des équipements Conduite des instruments
Philippe Luis
Production et expérimentation végétales
Fabrice Devoilles
Transgénèse végétale
Céline Remblière